Host Andrew Bartolotta sits down with Kristin Starling, Executive Director of SongwritingWith:Soldiers, a nonprofit transforming lives by using collaborative songwriting to expand creativity, connections and strengths.
Host Andrew Bartolotta sits down with Kristin Starling, Executive Director of SongwritingWith:Soldiers, a nonprofit transforming lives by using collaborative songwriting to expand creativity, connections and strengths.
During the conversation, Kristin talks about the power of their retreats, how to support their efforts and listen to their music, and how their nonprofit sparks further positive change and movement forward for Veterans and First Responders.
SongwritingWith:Soldiers is celebrating its 10th anniversary, and this month we recorded the 1,000th song. Speak about professional songwriters, other creative professionals, partnerships, and collaborations. Sharing the songs, building community, staying connected, not catch and release. Give website info to listen to the songs and help others to understand.
We know that hearing and sharing these songs has changed lives - increasing feelings of hope. Outcomes - Harvard study and our own long-term survey results.
Ways to help - on our website:
Listen to and share the more than 600 songs and concerts for free streaming.
Donate to support the costs of the retreats
Learn more: